20 Witchy Tips for Spiritual and Mental Health
Tip 1 Incantations
Like Christians pray regularly, we should have regular interactions with our higher powers. One way to do this is through Incantations. Take time to thank your deities and to ask what you need of them. Keep a journal of incantations by your bed and practice using them daily or at least semi regularly. For those of you who don't know an incantation is a spell without the use of candles or other witchcraft tools. It's really quite easy to use. It's like writing a regular spell. For best results make it rhyme.
Tip 2 Clear The Mind
Meditation is a great way to empty your mind of negativity. Using guided meditation is usually helpful for beginners. You can find one just about anywhere, from YouTube to Audio Discs. Another way is through a mindfulness skill known as observing. Also called wordless watching. Just sit back and observe your surrounding, watch as thoughts begin to come and go without clinging to them or trying to push them away. Think of your mind as a non-stick pan and simply watch without describing or judging. It's hard at first, but both of these practices are extremely beneficial to your health and work best when used daily.
Tip 3 Cleansing yourself and your space
As we go about our lives, our energy and our space gets polluted. Each person has a unique field of energy surrounding them both internally and externally. It has its own unique frequency. When we are around other people we tune into their frequency automatically. This causes us to take on the energy of any big emotions they are feeling and can leave us drained or at least cause our energy to become toxic. The same thing happens with our home or work space. That's why it's important to regularly cleanse yourself and your environment when and if possible. Sage is a great way to rid yourself and space of any lingering negativity. Reiki and other holistic healing practices are great also.
Tip 4 Acceptance
This can be difficult but it's important to accept situations as they are and not get lost thinking of what they could be. Let go of what you hoped would have happened and accept what did. This goes for people as well. You have to acknowledge who someone is when they show their true colors and not try to cover it up for them with excuses. You cannot properly plan for the future without assessing your situation and seeing it for what it is. Also feeling bad because things aren't going the way it should is very unhealthy and leads to sadness or even depression. So remember to see things the way they are and how they should or could be.
Tip 5 Ask Questions
Whether it's a class you're taking or someone ranting about politics, be sure to question what's being said. It's also important to question your own beliefs. Try seeing things from opposite viewpoints. It's especially important to challenge negative thoughts. Thoughts like "I'm not good enough" or "Things will never turn out right". You might notice a thought like this arise and think to yourself that it's true, but the reality is that these thoughts are just your mind holding you back. You need to look at them and analyze. "Am I really not good enough or is that just my mind playing tricks on me?
Tip 6 Learning
Just like your body needs constant maintenance, so does your brain. It's important to learn and develop new skills. My favorite thing about being a Wiccan is that there's always something new to learn or skill to master. I recommend brain games for 20 minutes a day. It will help you keep your mind sharp and in shape.
Tip 7 Read
There's so much content out there that most people are stuck on their phones during all their free time. My advice is to read for 30 minutes a day. Books, blogs, the news paper, anything really as long as you're engaging your brain.
Tip 8 Mirror Work
Every Day I write out a few affirmations and say them as I look at myself in the mirror. When you look at yourself you are reinforcing the idea that these statements are part of your identity. It's important to truly be one with who you are. Also I tell myself good morning in front of the mirror followed by telling myself that today is going to be great day. I do this with a hand held over my heart. This exercise is proven to bring you closer to yourself. Now if you are brave. Say good morning, your name, and I love you. Do this daily and you will start to feel that blossom of self love within yourself.
Tip 9 Energy Control
We are a product of our environment and all the influence we have around us. From social media to our conversations with people in our lives, we need to monitor the energy that is around us. We need to be careful what kinds of energy we invite into our lives. For example, someone who is constantly involved in online drama is likely to be more stressed than someone who avoids unnecessary conflict. So keep that in mind when on social media and when watching tv. As well as limiting your involvement with negative people in your life.
Tip 10 Keep a Notebook or Journal
One of the best ways to see your progress and keep the mind healthy is to keep a daily journal and use it every night before bed. This always you to keep track of your thoughts and progress towards your goals on a daily basis. Write down all the little thoughts and ideas you have throughout the day.
Tip 11 Planning Your Day
Plan your time in a planner either digital or physical. I recommend Google calendar for this as it is free and allows you to reschedule things as necessary. Let's face it we're not able to give one hundred percent every day. So on those bad days practice kindness and compassion towards yourself and plan for a better tomorrow. Start small and build yourself up so you don't get overwhelmed. Also try not to overcomplicate whatever system you use that way you won't feel it's too much to stick to.
Tip 12 Goal Setting
When setting goals for yourself remember to make them small and achievable. Keeping in mind what you're capable of in the moment and not just what you want. Goals should be specific and measurable with deadlines that are reasonable. For example I want to lose 12 pounds in 3 months. Also it is important to keep in mind your long term goals when you are making small steps towards them. Don't allow yourself to let what you want in the short term get in the way of what you want to accomplish in the future.
Tip 13 Self Respect VS Ego
I am a very prideful person and struggle constantly with keeping my ego in check. It is important to remember that not every situation calls for you to come out on top or for you to be right. Sometimes the most courageous thing we can do is let something go. I have to remind myself of this often. I say to myself, if you want peace then you must create it. However, my self respect is still very important and I do not allow myself to let go of every issue. I have to decide what is more important and I do this by considering the consequences of my words and actions. As well as the importance of that person in my life and if they're in a position to cause me harm for not agreeing. So my best advice is to lose your ego and allow yourself to express your opinions in a reasonable and respectful manner. Practice makes perfect.
Tip 14 Mantras
Everyone needs a mantra and here's why. Whenever you are feeling stuck how can you push yourself through it in a positive and affirmative way. I use different affirmations and Mantras. My favorite is “I live a life of love, light, and peace” this helps me when I'm feeling stubborn or angry. I remember that my objective is to be a kind natured, warm hearted person who is in touch with the world around myself. Another is “I am strong, confident, and successful”. This allows me to keep pushing myself when I feel like giving up. You should take a look at your goals and define the purpose of your mantra while creating it. Make sure it defines who you want to be and remember to be kind to yourself. Self love and compassion are key to creating a better you.
Tip 15 Pacing Yourself
When writing out your to do list a task might seem too big. So, when I like to break each task down into smaller steps. If I'm doing the dishes and there are loads of them, then I separate them into small piles and do one at a time. Each pile I take a 5-10 minute break after completion with a timer set. I do this process through the whole house and once I'm done with it I feel so rejuvenated and accomplished. Hopefully you do as well.
Tip 16 supplements
During the winter most people struggle with seasonal depression. This is from the lack of vitamin D produced by sunlight. So taking vitamin D in the winter will help manage seasonal depression. Now we often are not getting the nutrients we need from food alone. This is why I recommend everyone to take a daily multivitamin. Remember to check with your doctor before adding supplements to your diet.
Tip 17 Prioritize Your Physical Health
Exercise is key towards staying healthy physically and mentally. What you eat is just as important. The less processed foods the better. Try to eat clean as often as possible, I promise you'll see a difference. There are also different diets for anxiety and depression that are worth trying. Just know that even though It can be hard to feel motivated towards living a healthy lifestyle, it pays off.
Tip 18 Hobbies
It's important to have hobbies that when doing so bring you pleasure. You should have six types of hobbies. One to keep you in shape. Another to make you money, one to build your knowledge, one for creativity, one to help you reflect, and lastly a hobby to help you connect spiritually. The best way to have a healthy mind is to keep busy and productive. By using up your free time to do something you love, you are indulging in a great type of self care. My hobbies include reading, religious study, hitting the gym, journaling, and crafting. As well as writing this blog and creative writing also. If you don't really have a hobby then you should find one by being adventurous and trying new things. You never know what could happen.
Tip 19 Self Compassion
Learn the art of being kind to yourself. Positive self talk is proven to lead to increased happiness and success. When we value ourselves even when we make mistakes we create love for ourselves. This allows others to see value in us as well. As someone who cares for and respects themselves, you build positive relationships with others based on this. Beating yourself up leads to negativity and makes you want to give up. Were as positive self talk leads to positive thought forms that increase our opportunities for success. When you feel good you're more likely to do well.
Tip 20 Reward Yourself
Maybe the most important of them all. Make sure you give yourself rewards for reaching and working towards your goals. Sadly that can mean limiting the fun stuff for no reason. For instance, I limit how much television I watch and allow myself to indulge in streaming shows when I have put in solid effort towards my goals. This makes me feel good afterwards and helps motivate me to get things done. Your reward could be anything. Don't overthink it.
Hope you enjoyed this post. Catch you next week.
Sincerely, Raven PhoenixFeather