Spell to Connect with Your Family

Spell to Connect with Your Family

If you have ever dared to do things your own way then you know how hard it is to be outcasted and if you're the black sheep like me, then you know nothing hurts more than feeling like your family doesn't get you. If that sounds familiar then this spell is for you. 



  • Pink Candle
  • Mint oil

Day of practice

Help fix the broken tie
So I no longer have a reason to cry

Help them see me clearly
So they know I love them Dearly

Help me make them proud
Let me stand out from the crowd

Help them to show love to me
Now It’s done so mote it be

  1. Cast the circle
  2. Use the mint oil on your head, chest and wrists
  3. Speak the words above
  4. Close the circle
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